Free test playlist for 4 channels to check the quality of our service.
If it suits you – order and pay below!




View on any device where you can register your playlist.

Attention!!! Playlist account is a separate service. Portal and playlist are two different technologies for providing access to channels. We do not give out free playlists to those who already have a paid subscription to other devices. 1 account = 1 payment.

When you buy a playlist, you will receive a link to your personal account, login and password from it, as well as the personal account number. In your personal account, you can choose the server from which you will watch and the quality, as well as see the balance of funds and renew your subscription. Test access to the playlist is not provided. The playlist service is mainly for our existing users who have decided to connect their relatives, friends, acquaintances or who themselves have decided to switch to another device on which you can watch using playlists. In this case, they already know the entire list of channels.

At the moment, you can only watch archives using apps Smart IPTV,  progtvPerfect Player

Very important!!! Simultaneous viewing with one username and password is possible only on one device. When viewed simultaneously on two devices, the login and password are blocked. Its further use is possible only after 30 minutes.

How to buy a playlist (FOR THE FIRST TIME).

1.You need to request a new registration through the form on this page. Please provide a valid email address when completing this form. IMPORTANT!!! If you enter an incorrect or invalid email address, then we will not be able to send you anything !!!
2. A new Personal Account will be created for you automatically.
3. You will receive your login, password, Personal Account No. and a link to your Personal Account by mail, which you indicated on the form when requesting registration. This information is sent to your specified mailbox almost instantly. Therefore, carefully check your mailbox, including the Spam folder.
4. After that, you need to go to your Personal Account, using the link received in the letter and pay for the use of the service.
5. After payment and crediting of funds to your account in your Personal Account, links to the playlist will be available to you.

How to EXTEND your Playlist subscription.

1. Log in to your personal account with your data (Login and password)
2. Click on the Pay tab
3. Pay in any way available to you.
4. Your personal account will already be indicated in the form when paying. It remains to indicate your e-mail address and select the number of months from the list.
5. If you paid through systems with auto crediting (PayPal, Robokassa, Interkassa, Free-Kassa, Yandex.Money, Paysera, PAYSTO), then you do not need to fill out the form after payment. If you paid through other systems, then you need to fill out the form after payment on the same page. In this case, the connection is not automatic. From 1 min. till 12 o’clock.

View on Apple TV, iPad, and iPhone


Setting up the UniPlayer application

Download the app HERE
Click on the “Login” field
A code appears that must be entered in the profile on the site

* in the application, the confirm button, press only AFTER you have entered the code on the site!
We go to the UniPlayer website and register in one click
In your personal account, enter the code from the device in the “Devices” field:
The device has been added and registered.
Can add playlists

UniPlayer gives a month for free upon registration
when entering the MAXTV promo code, we get another + 2 months,
a total of three months at registration, and 2 months for already active users.